Wednesday, October 08, 2008

It's a Feature, Not a Bug

This statement was hilarious, considering the context that it was made in. Here's a snippet of a conversation between me (P), my sister S, and my husband N. S lives in the US and had called us over the weekend.

S: Hey, how are you guys doing.
P: Fine. We are just about done cooking dinner. We'll eat now. Can I call you later, or actually, maybe over the week.
S: You guys are always busy. You don't have time to talk to me these days.
N: Weekends are the only time we are together. We are not together over the week, like you and your husband.
S: That's your (N and P) fault, not mine.
N: That's a feature, not a bug!

S, N and I just burst out laughing. It was an awesome statement in a completely different context.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess that must make your life NP hard on weekdays and NP complete on weekends!

Thursday, October 09, 2008 12:38:00 AM  
Blogger Pradnya said...

Haha! Good one :-)

Thursday, October 09, 2008 10:20:00 AM  

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